Case Medium Stockman

Case Medium Stockman
The Case Medium Stockman, CA039, with Amber Bone Handles, is for those who prefer a slightly smaller knife and blades designed for hard work that can be easily resharpened. This Case Medium Stockman Pocket Knife includes Cases original Chrome Vanadium Alloyed Steel Blades, in Clip, Sheepfoot and Spey style, and the Case Script Oval Shield.
It measures 3 5/8" in length when closed. The Case Medium Stockman Knife Amber Bone CV, CA309, weighs about 2.5 oz. This is one of our favorites.
- Handle: Amber Bone
- Blade Shape: Clip, Sheepfoot and Spey Point
- Blade Composition: Case's original Chrome Vanadium alloyed steel
- Case #: CA039
- Best Glide #: TS1404
- Closed Length: 3.625"
- Weight: 2.5 oz
Case Large Stockman
The Case Large Stockman, CA204, with Amber Bone Handles, is for those who prefer a slightly larger knife and blades designed for hard work that can be easily sharpened. This Case Large Stockman Pocket Knife includes Cases original Chrome Vanadium Alloyed Steel Blades, in Clip, Sheepfoot and Spey style, and the Case Script Oval Shield.
It measures 4 1/4" in length when closed. The Case Large Stockman Knife Amber Bone CV, CA204, weighs about 4.1 oz. This is one of our favorites.
- Case #: CA204
- Best Glide #: TS1403
- Closed Length: 4.25"
- Weight: 4.1 oz
Case Stainless Steel Medium Stockman
The Case Medium Stockman, CA80035, with the bright yellow durable handle, is for those who prefer a very durable knife built for hard work all day. This Case Medium Stockman Pocket Knife includes the famous Case Tru-Sharp™ surgical steel blades, in Clip, Sheepfoot and Spey style, and the Case Oval Shield.
It measures 3 5/8" in length when closed. This Case Medium Stockman Knife, CA80035, weighs about 2.5 oz. This is one of our favorites.
- Handle: Bright Yellow, Work Ready
- Blade Shape: Clip, Sheep Foot and Spey Point
- Blade Composition: Surgical Steel
- Case #: 80035
- Best Glide #: TS1402
Case Trapper with Chestnut Handle
The Case Trapper CA28707, with the Smooth Chestnut Bone Handle, is for those who prefer an more elegant smooth handle. This Case Trapper Pocket Knife includes the famous Case Knives Case Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades, in both Clip and Spey style, and the Case Oval Script shield.
It measures 4 1/8" in length when closed. This Case Trapper Knife, CA28707, weighs about 4 oz. This is one of our favorites.
- Handle: Smooth Chestnut Bone
- Blade Shape: Clip and Spey Point
- Case #: 28707
- Best Glide #: TS1400
- Closed Length: 4.125"
- Weight: 4 oz
Case American Workman Trapper
The Case American Workman Trapper CA13000, with the Blue Jigged Synthetic Handles, is for those who prefer a durable knife that honors the American Workman. This Case American Workman Trapper Pocket Knife includes the famous Case Knives Case Tru-Sharp surgical steel blades, in both Clip and Spey style, and the Iconic Case Oval Shield.
The Case American Workman Pocket Knife is 4 1/8" in length when closed. This Case Knife, CA13000, weighs about 4 oz. This is a great and durable knife.
- Handle: Blue Jigged Synthetic Handles
- Case #: 13000
- Best Glide #: TS1401