45 Super Colt
Love this ammo-have been using it for years. stronger than cowboy loads but not too strong. very clean and accurate too. the "but" came in when i was shooting a couple boxes recently and one round had the bullet loaded nose-first into the casing! i was surprised that it had slipped through, but no harm done.
great ammo.
I used these silvertips in most of my handguns, when I can get them. specially the new public defender by taurus. far as i'm concerned it's the best for me. very accurate. thanks winchester. can't go wrong, my taurus the judge does great with this ammo. know malfunctions of any kind.
sencerely big george
The best shooting carry ammo for my ultra light Taurus .45 snub. VERY hard to find. While this is the highest price I've ever paid for it, is the only place I have found it available. Glad to have it. Shipped fast. Placed an order with ammunition to go.com the same night as this order. Ammo to go came over a week after I recieved my .45 Silvertips. Thanks