Historical Swords
Special Edition Handguns
Sale price: Clearance price: Starting at: Sale starting at: Clearance starting at: Reg. price: [product-main-1] A Bass Pro Exclusive! This Browning® Special Edition Vintage 25-Gun Safe is built in honor of John Moses Browning, the most influential firearms designer of the 20th century. The premium DPX® interior and cantilevered modular shelving system maximize firearm storage…
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Russian WW2 Guns
The Soviet Union is gone, but its weapons live on. Communism was an economic disaster and an ideological dead-end, that could neither motivate its people to work nor provide them with enough toilet paper, let alone bread and sausages. But the Soviet Union made great weapons. Not great automobiles. Not great televisions. Yet some of its arms have become legendary, still used…
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Knife With Tools
Born of the military, SOG has accompanied elite US Special Forces and law enforcement professionals on missions for decades. With a well-earned reputation for engineering, precision and quality, SOG continues to make knives and tools trusted by the world’s best. Whether you re answering the call of duty or arming yourself with innovation, lead the way with SOG. Engineered with…
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Knives and stuff
Welcome to our store Knives and Stuff LA. We are located in Los Angeles and are in the process of building the most comprehensive eBay store of spring assisted opening folding pocket knives with many different knife blade profiles and stuff , including self defense products, sporting goods and Officially Licensed Graphic T-Shirts for both adults and children. Some knife styles…
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Guns Minnesota
Abdul Yusuf and Jamal Abdulahi hadn’t seen the need before, but a few weeks after the November election the two men went to a gun store and started the paperwork for permits to carry. They are among the Muslims and members of other minority groups who are joining the ranks of Minnesotans who applied to become gun owners in 2016. For Abdulahi, it’s a natural response to an uptick…
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Rarest gun in the world
Guns can carry a kind of historical value that’s almost unrivaled in terms of memorabilia. To many people, a present-day gun is an ugly thing, but one from the past can be utterly romantic – after all, what’s history without romance? Tragedy, death and violence — all these almost cinematic characteristics of bygone days — are fulfilled by gunfire. War and conflict underscores…
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Cool Knife Blade designs
We’ve featured tons of different knives over the years, as well as proper care for those knives, and our shop has a few that we liked so much we had to get ourselves. One thing that continues to impress us is the variation available in the blades. Each design has its advantages and disadvantages, which means something that works for those of you working out in the fields every…
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Guns names list and Pictures
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, on June 7 in Washington, D.C. Win McNamee/Getty Images The U.S. Senate had four cracks at passing beefed-up gun legislation on Monday and failed to muster the 60 votes necessary to pass any of the four proposals. Two Republican bills and two Democratic versions went before the chamber and none of the four was able to generate…
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Vintage Hunting Knives
Folding Knives Fixed Blade Knives Why invest in plastic throw away knives that quit cutting in a week? There is no substitute for quality knives that have already stood the test of time! The quality of knives made in the 40 s, 50s, 60s, 70s and before just cannot be duplicated today. The same is true for Al Mar s made from 1979 to 1992! Invest in quality that was meant to last…
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Inexpensive Knives
3. Victorinox Cadet You can t have a list of best budget EDC knives without at least one Swiss Army knife. There are tons of models in many sizes with different combinations of tools, but the Victorinox Cadet has found its way into the pockets of millions of knife nuts around the world for good reason. This inexpensive multi-tool features everything you need for daily life…
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Barlow Knives
What did kids have as a toy in the days before Game Boys and Nintendo? One thing that was prized by the boys was a knife, specifically a Barlow knife. A Barlow knife is a style of folding knife with one or two blades, a tear drop shaped handle, and a wide bolster that reinforced the pivot of the blades, which was the part of the knife that received the most strain. In Mark…
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All About Pocket Knives
Condition Description Pristine mint: Knives in this category must be flawless, and must have additional characteristics that set them apart from mint. They could have an unusually good fit for example. Mint: This would be a knife that has never been carried, never sharpened, never used, and does not have rust problems of any kind. Some collectors will classify a very old knife…
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Best German Handgun
A law enforcement officer’s lifeline is his weapon. Guns for law enforcement must be powerful enough to stop criminals and accurate enough to help officers hit their mark. The quality of their guns can mean the difference between surviving to work another day and tragically dying in the line of duty. Here are ten firearms for law enforcement that should be known by anyone looking…
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Spyderco Drop
Bill Moran is recognized as the grandfather of American custom knifemaking and the founding father of the American Bladesmith Society. He started pounding steel, making knives more than fifty years ago. If you re lucky enough to find a custom-made Moran to buy, expect to shell out five-figures, minimum. His work and designs are that revered. Spyderco is privileged to offer…
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Tywin Lannister Armour
Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) is the quintessential evil queen, right up there with The Queen from Snow White and the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland. Or is she..? Throughout Game of Thrones we have been given clues as to Cersei’s motivations and character, and by the end of Season 3 she has become, partially at least, a sympathetic character. While Cersei was not involved…
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