Wholesale Knives UK
Wholesale Swords, knives and tools to the UK and european market
As well as being experienced retailers, Blades UK Ltd also has a dedicated trade distribution company. This is primarily involved with manufacture and distribution of blades (swords, knives, fantasy daggers and related items) for wholesale to UK and European countries.
We have our own range of extremely popular handforged, clay tempered samurai and ninja swords, custom designed by Blades UK. These blades are highly sought after and, in our opinion, offer the best value for money on the market, particularly well suited to martial artists and collectors alike, please contact us for more details on wholesaling these lines. You will need to be either a retailer, wholesaler, theatre company or martial arts instructor/group to order from our trade site.
Please email your details to admin2@blades-uk.com
Be sure to use a working email account to contact us from as you will be required to confirm the email is genuine by an auto reply before it will be delivered to us.
Ae are also exclusive UK distributors for a nunchuck traning DVD by kempoconnection and Steve Crowthers series of CS Battojutso Samurai Sword training DVD's. We welcome trade enquiries from all online and offline retailers