Winchester Arms Company
Any information you provide to Winchester Rifles & Shotguns is not rented, sold, or divulged to third parties without your permission, except as may be legally required by court order or subpoena. This privacy policy applies whether you provide information via telephone, mail, fax, Internet or other means.
We store names, addresses, and, if provided, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and other information collected from four main sources:
- Catalog Requests
- Owner's Manual Requests
- Trophy Case
Catalog and Owner's Manual Requests. Your name and shipping address are provided to our shipping company and used to ship your order. Providing your e-mail address or phone number is optional, but may be helpful should we need to clarify or provide information regarding your request.
Purchase Confirmation is available for specific Winchester Rifles & Shotguns products and is not required to validate any implied or written warranty requirements. You may confirm your purchase by filling out the form on the Internet at Confirming your purchase enables us to collect personal contact information, product data (model, date of purchase, intended use, etc.), as well as demographic and lifestyle information on Winchester Rifles & Shotguns product owners. We study this marketing information to better serve your needs and interests.
We consider information on firearms and other product purchases (such as model, serial number, purchase date, price paid, etc.) strictly confidential and proprietary. This information is never shared with any third party except to contract with a specialized research agency to organize and quantify this information for our internal marketing analysis or at the specific written request of the Federal government through firearm trace requests. We prohibit such agency from providing this information to any other party.
On the Purchase Confirmation form, you can indicate interest in optional services and information through the use of “opt-in” boxes. “Opt-in” boxes have a default setting that will indicate no interest in the service or information. If you check an “opt-in” box, we consider this permission to perform the service or give the information described. There are three types of “opt-in” check boxes:
- You are given the opportunity to subscribe to Winchester Rifles & Shotguns e-News.
- You are given the opportunity to receive information on products or services that match your indicated hobbies or interests. If you check this “opt-in” box, we will provide your contact information to companies who produce the products of interest or provide information on products you may be interested in. (Please note that we have no control over the privacy policies of these companies.)
- From time-to-time we will provide special opportunities to consumers who choose to fill out the Purchase Confirmation form. If you check this “opt-in” box, we will provide your contact information to the company offering the specific special offer. (Please note that we have no control over the privacy policies of these companies.)
Also, to serve your interests more effectively, we provide relevant Web site links for your consideration. We have no control over the privacy policies of these linked sites and recommend you review the privacy statements of these companies carefully before providing them with any of your personal information. Further, linkage to these companies does not infer our endorsement of any non-Winchester Rifles & Shotguns sites, their products or services, nor does such linkage provide any access by these companies to any information you have provided to us.
We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy, without notice, based on company policy, requirements of new legislation or other pertinent information to provide maximum protection to your privacy.