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Spyderco, Inc.
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Tech Specs:
Overall Open Length: 8.93" (227mm) Blade Length: 3.88" (98mm) Weight: 6.2ox (176g) Blade Steel: CPM-S30V
The Mega-Manix2 is an oversized version of the Manix2 with a blade that is just under four-inches. The blade is locked open using Spyderco's patented Ball Bearing Lock. The lock is comprised of a free-floating steel ball-bearing encased in a high-tech polymer cage. When opened, the ball bearing moves forward onto the blade's ramp where it is wedged, locking the blade safely open. The spherical shape of the ball rotates freely allowing the lock to self-adjust across a large surface, ensuring smooth and confident lock-up every time it is opened. The blade is CPM-S30V, ground full-flat and features jimping above the oversized 14mm Spyderco Round Hole. The jimping texture continues from the blade's spine to the full-length skeletonized steel liners. The liners inside the G-10 handle extend beyond the scales, creating a scalloped pattern around the handle's perimeter for additional grip. This feature keeps the knife from slipping out in the hand and works well with gloves. The liners serve a double purpose by adding rigidly and lightweight strength to the handle. A three-screw clip can be positioned ambidextrously, tip-up for comfort and pocket carry. The knife also has a large lanyard pipe to protect various types of cords or thongs.
How to Change A Pocket Clip
Many Spyderco knives have adjustable clips that allow you to configure them for different carry positions. Some, like our Salt Series folders, are adjustable for left or right-side tip-up carry. Others offer the flexibility of four-position carry: tip-up or tip-down on the left and right sides.
Because Spyderco provides our customers with the option of configuring their knives to meet their personal preferences, we do not apply thread-locking compound (i.e. "Loc-Tite®") to our clip screws at the factory. To help prevent the clip screws of your knife from loosening over time, we recommend that you apply thread-locking compound to them once you have determined your preferred carry position. Thread-locking compound is available at most hardware, auto supply, and home improvement stores.
Get the Proper Tools Before You Begin
Proper tools are critical to good folder maintenance. Before you attempt to change the position of your knife's clip, invest in the correct size of micro screwdrivers, Torx® drivers, and/or hex wrenches for your knife.
Spyderco knives require the following tools for clip maintenance:
- Knives with metal clips and three Torx® (star-shaped) attachment screws require a T-6 Torx driver
- Knives with metal clips and three Phillips attachment screws require a small Phillips screwdriver (#1 Phillips)
- Knives with wire clips held in place by a single Torx screw require a T-8 Torx driver
- Our Value Folders currently use hex-head screws and require a 1.5mm metric hex-head (aka "Allen") wrench
- Our Salt folders and some of our older models use a two-piece "barrel" nut that requires a coin (a U.S. penny works best)
Before you attempt to remove any Spyderco clip screw, check to ensure that you have the proper tool for the job. Also check the tip of the tool to ensure that it is not worn. Worn tools can easily strip screw heads.