It looks so awesome!

Collecting Swords

Image titled Start Collecting Swords Step 1Decide what kind of sword to buy. Swords come from all different eras of history and different areas of the world. Uses have included ceremonial, dueling, cavalry, infantry and executioner. Do some historical research to learn what type of sword, what use or what region or what era, most interests you.

Search the Internet, sword and collector's magazines and professional collectors and historians for information on types, availability and prices of swords.

Think carefully about where to keep your sword(s). You should know what will look good in your home and where you want the sword to be displayed to impress your guests.

Keeping your investment safe is also important. You may need to put a sword in a special case, or up high on a wall to prevent unnecessary handling.

It is important to take your budget into account, for collecting swords is not cheap. You should know how much you are able to spend for a particular sword.

Image titled Start Collecting Swords Step 3 Be patient when you don't have enough money, and do not splurge. A collection is meant to be built over time.

When you are able to buy your favorite sword you should decide where to purchase it. There are several ways one can do this: you can buy on eBay, in different gun shows, you may also consider analyzing the offers of private dealers, specialized shops that deal with antiques and you can also look through web-sites that specialize in selling swords to the public, you may also try a "Flea Market" around your area, sword can be more affordable there. If you know where to find a sword seller.

When you buy a sword on-line an important aspect here is its reference. Look through all the feedback concerning your sword. If there is a negative feedback you should email that reviewer and ask about his concerns about the product.

Before starting your sword collection with the purchase of your first sword you may email the seller to ask some questions about the product. Think over what you want to ask so to get concrete answers.

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