Viking Swords

Collectors Gun Exchange
(806) 791-1231 This place takes a lot of flack and granted it is not the cheapest place in town. That being said I ve recently started buying my guns there and have actually met the owner (Charles) and a few of the guys and all of them are knowledgeable and friendly in general. Its a perfect example of shopping at Walmart or a mom and pop shop. If you want somebody who knows…
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Gun Collectors Canada
Congratulations on your election. We see that you are already making some drastic changes, as you promised during your campaign. However, as responsible citizens, and firearms owners, there are some changes we do not wish to see. Rather than fighting against you, this petition is going to try and help you understand us. There are 1.9 million firearms license holders in this…
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Private Gun Collections
For nearly 25 years, I have been fortunate enough to work with in the United States. Our nearly 6, -gun collection rivals that of the Smithsonian, West Point, the Springfield Armory and the Cody Firearms Museum. We are proud of the trust our donors and lenders have granted us in hopes that we would be stalwart guardians and custodians of their cherished belongings. We maintain…
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Collectible Guns
The All American Gun and Western Collectible Show, Sept. 3rd and Sept. 4th is in its 26th year this year and as such has become a tradition in Ruidoso. Part of the All American Festival, it is one of a series of events and festivities surrounding the $2 million All American Futurity, the world s richest quarter horse race, run every Labor Day at Ruidoso Downs Race Track and…
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Stetson Gun Club collection
Stetson - it s not just hat, it s the hat. DelMonico Hatter offers Stetson Western Hats, Stetson Felt hats, and Stetson Gun Club hats. Stetson Gun Club Hats from DelMonico Hatter are great for dress and casual wear. The most popular Gun Club Hat with our customers is the Stetson Catera. Other popular Gun Club Hat styles are the Stetson Royal Flush, Stetson Diamond Jim, Stetson…
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Airsoft Guns collection
Airsoft is a popular combat simulation game in which players are eliminated when hit by pellets fired from realistic-looking guns, called an airsoft gun. While these guns may look fierce, they are harmless when used with proper accessories, safety gear and common sense, allowing people to engage in mock combat with one another, either individually or on teams. Whether someone…
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Collecting Guns
Editor’s note: This is the third and final entry in a three-piece series about gun collecting. Read Part One and Part Two here. There’s no “one-stop shop” when it comes to finding and procuring collectible firearms. With so many types of firearms spanning hundreds of years and thousands of miles between, collectors go to great lengths to sift through the generations of guns…
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Nerf Guns collection
My dad and I LOVE Nerf guns. We have a big collection of them. My dad and I love to shoot my sisters and my mum and we all have fun shooting each other. When I came back from the Cook Islands my dad had purchased 2 new nerf guns. One is called a long strike cs-6 and the other one is a recon cs-6. They re pretty long. My favourite one is the long strike cs-6 because its long…
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Charlton Heston Gun collection
Claim: Photographs show a collection of guns kept in the basement of actor Charlton Heston s home. Example: Look what the late Charlton Hesston had in his basement. Wow, what a collection! No wonder he was the leader of the US. National Rifle Association. Even with lots of money you have to leave your toys behind. Origins: Given the tendency for people to attach urban legend-like…
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Collectors Guns
Collectors Firearms buys antique gun collections . We also buy, sell and trade individual items. Contact us if you have an estate, or collection of guns, antique or modern, for sale. No collection is too large or too small. We buy militaria such as swords, knives, uniforms, helmets, medals, and decorations also. We are particularly interested in purchasing Japanese Samurai…
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Collectors Gallery Guns
COLLECTORS ONLY FIREARM PAGE Terms of Sale…. Please Read First * All collector items offered in our galleries are available for inspection and immediate sale in our Middle Island, Long Island NY showroom BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. We have additional photographs of all guns and can send them to you on request or take additional photos if requested and item is still available. * FFL…
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Gun Collectors Forum
Notices Welcome to the new PGCA Forum! As well, since it is new - please read the following: This is a new forum - so you must REGISTER to this Forum before posting; If you are not a PGCA Member, we do not allow posts selling, offering or brokering firearms; and You MUST REGISTER your REAL FIRST and LAST NAME as your login name. To register: If you are registered to the forum…
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John Wayne Collectible Guns
Nebraska burglars stole a half-ton gun safe filled with irreplaceable collectibles last weekend in Sarpy County. Danny and Nancy Karloff were out of town when the crooks ransacked their home. After what had to be several hours, the crooks made off with the gun safe, three flat screen TVs, 10 silver dollars, and the family jewelry, WOWT reports. The burglars used the Karloff’s…
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Small Gun collection
Do you own a master-of-all-trades weapon, a rifle with which you can take large and small game? How about one that can defend your family and home from an attacker or multiple attackers? Something accurate enough for long-range shooting, but something handy enough for close-range fighting? A weapon you can carry with you without anyone knowing? If there is a weapon out there…
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Gun collection Pictures
Oregon shooter Chris Harper-Mercer s mother Laurel Harper mentioned having at least six guns in a long-winded Facebook post where she stood in support of open-carry laws Oregon shooter Chris Harper-Mercer was a paranoid and childlike character who circled his neighborhood on a bicycle and freaked out at the smallest things, former neighbors in Torrance said She continued:…
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