World War 2 Revolvers
World War II saw the dawn of several different forms of military technology including rifles, bombs, tanks, planes, and eventually nuclear arms. The infantry soldier in World War II was most commonly armed with a full sized battle rifle and some form of fighting knife. Few soldiers carried handguns. Many World War II weapons are available for civilian sales due to their limited firing capabilities.
The Mosin Nagant, Short Magazine Lee Enfield, the Kar98, and the M1 Garand are the three main rifles of World War II and all are highly collectible. The M1911 pistol, the Russian Nagant revolver, and the Walther P08 are the three main handguns that are associated with the war and are rarer than the rifles. Other items include issued bayonets, fighting knives, and ornamental knives issued and carried by the Germans.
Quick Facts
- John Moses Browning designed several weapons used in World War II, including the M1911 handgun, the M1897 shotgun, the M2 machine gun, M1918 BAR, and the M1919 Machine gun
- The Kar98K fired a 7.92mm round, the largest round used by an infantry rifle in World War II
- The daggers carried by German soldiers were often the most valued trophies for American G.I.s, valued almost as much as a Luger pistol