Colt website
Founded and still run as a family business, Colt International offers a wealth of expertise that spans a variety of different specialties including climate control, ventilation, solar shading and smoke control - from design advice to R&D, manufacturing, installation and maintenance. Although a fairly new customer, Colt Manager of Marketing and Communications Gertie Arts sat down with us in Amsterdam to explain how Colt has already achieved a 10x increase in overall monthly website traffic in just 3 months.
Challenge: Keeping Pace With Innovative Marketing Strategies
"Fifteen years ago, no company like an industrial company like Colt could imagine that everybody has to have a website now, " says Gertie. "It's the same thing. I think within 15 years, nobody can imagine that you're not doing [inbound marketing]."
Solution: HubSpot's Blogging, Analytics & Integrated Platform
Colt knew that blogging would be the easiest part of inbound marketing to experiment with when the company first began using HubSpot. Gertie loves how easy it is to create content with the HubSpot Blogging Tool, and uses the Blog Optimizer to ensure her articles are well optimized for search engines. HubSpot's Blog Analytics also provide valuable insights about what content her prospects find most interesting and compelling.
Gertie notes that HubSpot's integrated, all-in-one suite of tools makes inbound marketing easy. "There are a lot of tools in marketing, and you can use Google Analytics, and you can use all the marketing tools, but in HubSpot you have everything in one, and that's very easy, " she emphasizes.
Results: Spikes in Social Media & Overall Traffic
In the mere three months since Colt has been using HubSpot and inbound marketing, the company has experienced the following:
- Achieved a 10x increase in overall monthly website traffic
- Grown social media traffic from 0 in January to 900 monthly visits in March
- Generated a 13% overall landing page conversion rate
While Colt has only been a HubSpot customer for a few months, the company is committed to utilizing inbound marketing to the fullest, with a plan to implement all the tools the software has to offer by the end of its first year using HubSpot.