Gerber Knives Portland
This knife fits the contours of my hand. The rubberized grip is smooth, and the knife's weight is balanced, with the center of gravity under my index finger. Chop down a sapling, pry out a nail, peel a potato, it's a knife that's built to use, not to look at.
The farther I walk, the more I like the feather-light nylon sheath. A sheath is supposed to securely hold the knife, and that's what it does. Three years of heavy use, and the black nylon is slightly faded, some threads are frayed around the belt-loop and snap, but everything works fine. I wouldn't swap it for a nicer looking, but heavier, leather sheath.
A good all around sturdy and durable knife that handles the majority of conditions that I face on my 5 day deep bush trips. It takes a fair bit of abuse and keeps on slicing. The sheath, however, I find lacking so I just made my own. All in all a good product.
Please, make this knife in Portland from your fantastic 420HC. Use textured glass-filled nylon for the scales or G10 if it is less expensive, and a simple kydex sheath. It is arguably a better camp/bushcraft/hunting knife than the Strongarm (also excellent). Such a knife should retail at or slightly less than the Strongarm as well. You once made a series of knives called the Pro-Guide. They were constructed as suggested above. The design of the Big Rock is superb. One of the best I have held. However, the scales and the sheath lack durability and your 420HC is going to beat foreign 440A every time. I can see premium editions with polished blades, coca bola scales and a heavy leather sheath. Wouldn't that be something. I have been using Portland made Gerber knives for more than 40 years. They have all performed beautifully.
I like this knife mainly because of its price and it's capability to keep a decant edge I have cut down tons small trees with it and it seemed to keep a solid edge with out sharpening if you do decide to purchase this knife I would recommend buying a sharpener if you don't all ready have one
I purchased this knife before I knew much about steels and specific features of fixed blades & folders. I've used the pants off this knife for camping, and loved it every time. I've purchased many more knives since becoming educated on the topic, but I always bring the big rock due to its ergos, function, quality, ability and value. You get what you pay for, but with the big rock, you get a lot more than 40 dollar knife.
Keep the sub $40.00 price point in mind whenever anybody has anything negative to say about this knife. In my own humble opinion, the only upgrades needed on this knife are different steel options and a more versatile sheath, and when I say needed, I mean, wanted by me personally. That being said, the steel and sheath are both perfectly functional/appropriate for intended use and price. Buy it and use it, you will not be disappointed, I've spent 30 bucks on a short trip to the bar for few beers and appetizers, and that only lasted for 12 hours, this knife will be around forever...perspective.
Get that expensive/high quality survival knife, but get this one as well, I guarantee you will connect with it and find its utility the first time you spend a weekend using it.
Great knife...ive sincerely abused it. It will do exactly what the above description says, my only reason for not going 5 star is the sheath. It is gonna wear out on you if you really work the knife. so im having a leather one custom made for it.
all in all.this knife rocks.
buy it.
The reason I bought this knife is the great balance of quality and affordability. There are much better knives out there. But out in the woods I like a knife to do work and take a beating, and this knife does that (and is still sharp).
A full tang, decent steel, simple, solid knife. This is the knife for your adventures because it's the knife that will endure the abuse, the elements, and whatever you can throw at it and stand up to all of it; all that for under $40.
Very low quality. You can see that it is made in China. In my country, this knife costs $ 50.
It has held up to all the abuses even when batoned with a rock . The big rock sharpens easily and has a good feel to it. But the sheath has room for improvement, but it does its job. I recommend a kydex sheath. The sheath is the main drawback. Overall a good quality, rugged blade. hell yea
love the knife just dont like the sheath lost my knife twice was able to backtrack and fined it lucky
Great knife made even better by the low price. Will serve your camping needs and then some. Nice thick full tang blade great for batoning. The sheath blows but I guess it's better than nothing. Would have gladly paid more for a kydex sheath. Get a couple of these!
Great and durable knife! Gerber has servedrbwell in the military and covilian life adventures and endeavors! I will always lean to Gerber first when it come to knives. Although this knife was set for outdoors/camping, it's has purpose and results in military operations, including combat! I see it more as a weapon than a tool!