Fine Old Guns
Fine Handguns
Please check back, none right now.
Fine Longarms
If you see a firearm that you want, let us know and we will hold it for you. Firearms manufactured after 1898 can only be shipped to someone with a Federal Firearms License (FFL). If you have a Curio & Relic FFL, we can ship items considered by the BATF directly to you, as long as there are no state or local restrictions (California??). If you do not have a C&R FFL, then we can only ship guns made after 1898 to a FFL dealer in your area. The dealer will have you fill out a 4473 form ("yellow sheet") to conduct the required federal "Brady" instant background check, and any other paperwork required in your area before allowing you to take possession. FFL holders often charge a small fee for handling these transfers, as well as any state or federal fees for the background check. If you don't know of any FFL holders in your area, we may be able to help you find one willing to handle transfers.
All firearms are sold as collectors items only. We warrant them to be as described, and make no claims as to fitness for use. Have them checked by a competent gunsmith prior to firing. We assume no liability for accidents or injuries resulting from firing or any other use of any firearm we sell. By ordering from this listing, you certify that you understand and agree to these terms.
Notice- Because of bureaucratic restrictions, we cannot sell cartridge firearms to customers outside the United States.
Ordering Information- click here