Firearms Auction website
Our Regional Auctions are made up of affordable antiques, beginning collector’s items, usable sporting arms, and many non-firearm lots. A majority of the lots have multiple firearms. A Regional Auction has routinely consisted of approximately 3, 000 lots with as many as 7, 000 firearms in those lots. We hold two Regional Auctions per year, one in the summer and one in the winter. The Regional Auction has a preview day which is held all day on the preceding Thursday and the items are sold Friday, Saturday and Sunday – same as our Premiere Auctions. The concept of the Regional Sale was initiated by the demand that our customers developed for the “everyday collector” type guns. Were these guns placed in a Premiere Auction, they would simply be overshadowed. These guns need to be seen in person as we keep the description to a minimum and use a rating scale for the condition encouraging the buyer to view the items in person. We produce approximately 10, 000-13, 000 black and white catalogs that are sent to potential bidders all over the world.
These auctions are comprised of firearms such as sporting and hunting firearms, manufacturers such Browning, Winchester, Ruger, Colt, Remington, Smith & Wesson, plus Japanese and European military firearms. You will also find firearm related books, holsters, swords, parts, leather, ammunition and more. This is also an auction for antique and highly collectable items. Each item is listed with a headline, high and low estimates, condition rating, and photo. As with our Premiere Auctions, our website features the entire Regional Auction catalog of items and is searchable by model, serial number, manufacturer, lot number, keyword, and more. All items are viewable in color online and all guns have both sides shown.