Historical Swords
Modern and Antique Firearms
Following World War II, collecting firearms became a popular trend, especially antique cartridge firearms. American arms have become one of the fastest growing collectables since the 1950s. The prices for antique guns have risen over time due to the lack of supply. Prices also vary depending on what is in popular demand. For instance, certain manufacturers, like Colt and Winchester…
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Unusual Guns
A collage of pictures of Joshua Perry, who used a firearm to take his own life in September 2015, is displayed at his family’s home in Salem, N.H. JOHN J. HAPPEL/THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR View Caption Hooksett, N.H. — As the longtime owner of a gun store, Ralph Demicco is passionate about his firearms. At the modest ranch house he built himself outside this rural New Hampshire…
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Army rifles
The U.S. Army’s upgraded M4A1 combat rifle is just the latest development in a category of weapons that American soldiers have carried since the country’s earliest days. Long Gun Beginnings Even before there was actually a United States there was what could arguably be considered the first true American rifle. Known as the Pennsylvania rifle, the Kentucky rifle or simply…
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Used Guns Houston TX
Whether a beginner or an expert, we help you protect what’s important. We not only specialize in unique and exotic firearms and equipment, we focus on offering you what’s most important: peace of mind. During these very difficult and uncertain times, the only way to have peace of mind is to be prepared to handle any situation, at any time. That’s why we provide only the best…
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Milsurp rifles
Southern Ohio Gun M48 Yugo Mausers – No Markings $249 (matching numbers now $25 extra – plus hand pick $10 extra) Full Zastava Crest $279 ($10 hand pick) The pickings have gotten a lot thinner in the military surplus world over the last decade. That is why, when I find something, I try to share it with you. If you remember, one of my first MilSurp deals was the Schmidt Rubin…
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Firearms Houston TX
9478 Hwy 6 S Houston, TX 77083 (281) 561-8447 Pretty good experience. I just bought my first rifle and they helped me quite a bit; very patient and knowledgeable. I will go there again. I wish there was a way to give 0 stars. I have never experienced worse service from a business in my entire life. First of all, the firearms the sell are stored so poorly they have rust and…
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Used Guns on eBay
Toy guns have been around for a very long time, and they are still very popular among children today. While toy guns were originally meant for little boys, they are now being made in colors and with functions and features that appeal to both genders. History of Toys Guns Toy guns first hit the market in the 1860s. After the end of the Civil War, gun manufacturers were hurting…
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Damascus Knife store
By Larry Connelley If you have a Damascus steel blade knife, you have a knife blade with unique beauty. With its historical reputation as the metal used for the best swords over hundreds of years, and its distinctive wavy design, Damascus steel is a beauty to behold. So with that quality blade-especially one that has intricate etchings-comes special care. Here are our tips…
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Replica Militaria
Hill Interiors huge range of decorative replica guns, swords and militaria is sourced from the finest manufacturers across the globe. Hill Interiors are the exclusive importers of Denix Replica Militaria. Denix are renowned for the outstanding quality and design of their militaria products. Whether paying homage to favourite movie or TV series, or historical periods, Hill Interiors…
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Top 10 best Guns in the world
The connection between weapons and mankind is deep and strong rooted in past. Human is utilizing a different type of weapons for his security and endurance from periods. in the modern era, we have created firearms, among most used is Guns.There are more than thousand types of dangerous guns in the world. We created this list of Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns by considering the…
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Coolest Handguns ever
Hall of Fame: Every Quentin Tarantino Movie If movie shootouts and bloody mayhem had a Hall of Fame, Quentin Tarantino would have his own wing. From Pulp Fiction to Reservoir Dogs to Inglorious Basterds, Tarantino has created gun fights with a feel, look and carnage level all his own. For that, we honor the critically acclaimed director/writer/actor with his own spot on our…
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Army surplus weapons sale
On November 25th, 2015, President Barack Obama has signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act of 2016, included in which is a provision for the Civilian Marksmanship to sell 1911 handguns to the United States shooting public. The bill includes Section 1087, which allows the transfer of handguns from the United States Army to the Civilian Marksmanship program, and…
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Defence Guns
China is developing a new wheeled self-propelled assault gun based o 8×8 chassis. The demonstrator of new self-propelled assault gun was spotted during the transportation. The main role of this fire support vehicle is to support infantry with its firepower. It can engage enemy armor, buildings, field fortifications and other targets. Sometimes such vehicles are classified as…
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Gun resale Values
Make and model. Condition. Rarity. History. Art. These are the five factors that tend to appeal to collectors and help determine the value of collectible guns. Tastes differ as to which is most important. Make and model tends to be the starting point for evaluating collectible guns for most collectors and will be a basic threshold requirement for those with specialized collections…
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Every gun in the world
Oh for heaven’s sake. Look at all the NRA-inspired answers. All dreadfully similar. And - before I get jumped on - some aren’t actually wrong. But at the same time, But then, you should have known that. Certain questions are going to produce certain answers. If you didn’t know that you were asking a rhetorical question - well, now you do. But I love answering rhetorical questions…
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