Winchester Repeater rifle
The ultimate lever gun. This rifle became the Model 94 Winchester. It was the ultimate iteration of Winchester levers and, although coming at the end of westward expansion, is often called "The Gun that Won the West."
The proven performer for over a century. No greater names have ever been linked together more solidly than Winchester® and the Model 1894. Early on in 1862, Oliver Fisher Winchester began Winchester Repeating Arms Company and followed with a series of fine rifles like the 1866, 1873 and 1876. Then John M. Browning came along with numerous other designs which became legendary Winchesters, like the Single Shot 1885, Model 86 and the Model 92 among others. Then, in 1893 he presented to Winchester a model that was a perfect match for the new 30-30 smokeless cartridge, ushering in a new era in firearms development.
A few good reasons to own a Model 94 Winchester. There are a number of good reasons that the Model 94 Winchester is still a solid choice for big game hunting. It is true that many hunters over the years have moved to bolt actions for longer range hunting - like out in the West for example, where cross canyon shots are common. That is well and good. But even in the 21st century, the most hunted big game animal in North America - the Whitetail - is in brushier, nastier, tighter conditions than ever. In fact, the urbanization of the Whitetail is one of the most studied topics by wildlife biologist these days. If you are whitetail hunter you are likely going to be hunting in these kinds of conditions. And being able to get on target and make a good shot is something the Model 94 has been proven to do for over 110 years.
Fast. Very Fast. Its light weight, quick pointing characteristics, ease of cycling the next round, overall responsiveness, and choice of good calibers makes it an excellent choice for deer and even black bear. Many consider the Model 94 the ultimate rifle for training a new shooter too. There is an intrinsic level of interest generated when you put one in the hands of a young shooter. And the skills learned in loading, handling, operating and shooting transfer to every type of hunting.
What do I like best about the Model 94 Winchester?
- Lots of steel and wood. It's just made the old fashioned way. Lots of durable steel parts that feel solid and reliable.
- Incredible design. John Moses Browning really outdid himself when he designed the Model 94. The mechanism is smooth and precise. The ergonomics are practically perfect. The action is strong and simply not prone to wearing out.
- Solid lockup. The John Browning design was created to handle the newest type of ammunition in the world at the time: smokeless powder loads. And it is still handling them. The Model 94 has been chambered in some of the meanest calibers ever developed for fast action in brushy conditions.
- It's a lifetime gun. Some rifles come and go, but a Model 94 just builds a lifetime of memories. It is one gun that your family will appreciate long after you are gone. It's a gun your great grandson will learn to shoot with. Timeless.
- Today's we have the ability to make great barrels for every Winchester no matter what the action type . This means the 94 is more accurate than ever. And there are more bullet choices too. And factory ammo is a lot more affordable than some other calibers, making it something you can afford to shoot.
- It' may seem like the opposite of today's MSR, but lever actions have a lot in common with today's modern sporting rifles. 110 years ago our ancestors bought 94s because they were cool, fun to shoot, fast handling and had high magazine capacity. Sound familiar. As for us, we are certain the Winchester Model 94 is one of the most amazing rifles ever made.