Free Sword Catalogs
Thought Catalog is an online magazine with over 30 million monthly readers. The site serves as a platform for emerging and seasoned writers to voice their thoughts and to flourish creatively. Thought Catalog was founded in 2010, and its original mission still stands today: to empower creative people by helping them realize their artistic visions on their own terms.
Who owns Thought Catalog?
Thought Catalog is independently owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company. We are one of the few major media companies in existence today that is still independent. Chris Lavergne is the founder and publisher of Thought Catalog. For more information about our company, visit our corporate website at www.thought.is.
How do I report offensive or illegal content on Thought Catalog?
At the top of every article next to the writer byline is a flag. Click the flag and identify the problem with the article and it will be reported for review.

Do you allow writers to publish under pseudonyms?
Anonymity is a double-edged sword. It can make us less accountable and less empathetic to the impact of our actions. By freeing us from consequences, it can bring out the worst in us. But anonymity can also be liberating. Ventriloquism can expand our creative horizons by allowing us to experiment with different identities or provide a safe space to talk about sensitive issues. At Thought Catalog, we accept pseudonyms and anonymous submissions but discourage hiding behind a mask merely for the sake of hiding.
How do I contribute to Thought Catalog?
How do I contact the writer of a certain article?
Head over to their profile page. If the writer wants to be contacted by email, you will see a contact button. If they don’t have the contact button enabled, your best bet is to leave a comment on their article or reach out to them on social media.
Thought Catalog employs many full-time staff writers, most of who were recruited after contributing regularly to Thought Catalog. We typically look for writers that have a proven track record on Thought Catalog platform. Thought Catalog offers an extensive benefits program for its employees that includes paid vacation, IRA matching contributions, health benefits, and flexible work schedules. Currently, we are only hiring based on referrals from existing employees.