World War

World War Two weapons
In the early years of World War II, it looked as if Germany might have the luxury to spend its time developing a new generation of super-weapons. The Nazis haphazardly pursued the idea of building an atomic bomb, with an eye toward eventual conflict with the United States. However, the immediate demands of war, combined with Western Allied sabotage, undercut the program, leaving…
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War items
Editor’s note: Work in Progress About Vocaloid character items are items, often food, that are associated with most Vocaloid characters. This process is done by the fans, however, some item associations have been officially recognized by Crypton Future Media and many other studios, and appear in merchandise such as Nendoroid figurines. The discussions that assign the items…
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World War 2 Firearms
To Allied tank crews during World War II, the Panzerfaust was one of the German army’s deadliest weapons behind the static 88-millimeter cannon, the rocket-propelled Panzerschreck and — most of all — other tanks. The shoulder-launched Panzerfaust, or “tank fist, ” propelled a shaped charge warhead around 45–60 meters per second over a distance of 60-100 meters — depending on…
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World War 2 Collectors items
Kenneth Rendell stands among the historical artifacts and documents on display at the Museum of World War II in Natick, Mass. Ann Hermes/Staff View Caption Natick, Mass. — Amid the World War II artifacts stands a Sherman tank, dominating the room. Though battle-scarred – sharp divots of metal punched out on every side – this formidable vehicle appears ready in an instant to…
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World War 2 memorabilia sale
Dallas, TX: Heritage Auction Galleries will offer a treasure trove of rare and important material related to World War II in their upcoming auction, to be held April 16 & 17, 2007 in their Dallas, Texas world headquarters. One of the most significant conflicts in human history, the Second World War left scars across the planet that are felt to this day,said Tom Slater…
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SMG War Relics
Signature Weapons are special versions of existing weapons in with a unique name, upped specs, and even custom paint jobs: AMR — Z93 with extended magazine, high powered scope, explosive rounds and custom paint. Available after finding 20 Relics. (Sniper Rifle) Bull — M133 with Reflex Sight, extended magazine and custom paint. Available after finding 10 Relics. (Shotgun) Bushman…
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Guns World War 2
World War II veteran Stuart B. Eynon still remembers how the twin .50-caliber machine guns shook the whole bomber when they were fired from turrets as they flew over the Pacific Ocean. On Saturday, the 94-year-old donned a pair of earmuffs, hunkered down behind the same model M2 Browning gun and pulled the trigger, firing an earsplitting stream of bullets into a berm in Marriottsville…
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World War 2 gear
The National World War II Museum honors four-legged veterans with Loyal Forces: The Animals of World War II Interactive exhibit looks at the invaluable contributions of animals NEW ORLEANS (July 19, 2010) – The National World War II Museum is officially going to the dogs (and horses, mules and birds!) with the newest exhibit Loyal Forces: The Animals of World War II . On display…
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EBay World War 2
Plaster military training models are some of the rarest and most unusual ID models produced during World War II. As with all such training models, they were intended to teach aspects of weapons recognition and national origin in order to prevent costly accidents resulting from “friendly fire”. Not much is known about their history. How many were produced is unknown. Which aircraft…
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World War 2 small arms
Advanced Axis and Allied fighters battled it out with impressive machine guns and other small arms throughout World War II! World War II heralded paradigm-shifting changes for the world that would emerge at the end of the conflict, both politically and militarily. Leading up to the massive conflagration, world powers worked to develop capable and effective small arms to fight…
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World War II rifles
We showcase the hard-built guns that accompanied airmen, soldiers, sailors, and marines into a war that stretched across the globe, and we also display the many firearms that opposed them on beaches over the Pacific and across the dusty terrain of North Africa, Italy, Germany and France. Several of these pieces bear mute testimony to hardships in the field with scarred stocks…
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World War Antiques
Value can change: The value of an item is dependent upon many things, including the condition of the object itself, trends in the market for that kind of object, and the location where the item will be sold. These are just some of the reasons why the answer to the question What s it worth? is so often It depends. Note the date: Take note of the date the appraisal was recorded…
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World of Warcraft Replica weapons
Hmm Not sure why Gul dan staff is Horde exclusive but whatever I like the look. I wonder is the pre patch supposed to come as early as the international release (whenever that is) or is there going to be a physical version of it using the current transmog system? While I d love to see the former its not happening. To many bugs on alpha right now and the pre patch hasn t even…
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World War II items
(CNN) – The Iwo Jima memorial sits along the water in Fall River. Its presence, dominating. Someone within the last week took something very special. Surrounded by bricks with the names of donors who support the memorial there is a plexiglass box. Now, broken open and empty. It used to hold a purple heart, and a vial of sand from Iwo Jima. Bruce Aldrich, Commandant, Marine…
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World War 2 Handguns
The American Rifle Company of World War 2 proved the spearhead of the battalion and evolved along with the conflict. Initially, the Company consisted of six officers to 187 enlisted personnel though, by June of 1945, this was rewritten as 6 officers to 236 enlisted men. The platoon was armed with M1 Garands self-loading rifles, M1 Carbine semi-automatic rifles.45 caliber pistol…
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