World of Warcraft Replica weapons
Comment by Kolosh
A Warlock's dream came true!Comment by Vicorous
This staff is the lost piece of set!Comment by Tavrrow
Definitely gonna transmog my Aff Locks artifact to this. A scythe is really cool and all, but who wouldn't want to carry around the weapon used by Gul'dan himself, the greatest mortal warlock to have ever been?Comment by Casterbridge
Not going to lie, disappointed that the staff is horde only.Comment by deathslover
WTB a fel green enchant to go with this staff (or a cosmetic one for the enchanting hutt)Comment by wowwowy
It says "added in patch 7.0" But its on a 6.2 patch on the PTR right now. So that's not entirely true.Comment by Olieron
International premiere of Warcraft the Movie at 25th May.Source
Comment by Niixten
Time to level up a orc warlock!Comment by Th3King
As someone with an Alliance warlock...salt levels are real. Not saying they should remove the "faction" only thing but they should. Basically like the situation was with Admiral Taylor's sword for the Horde, they eventually relented on that one so hopefully they will here too.Comment by Rasnotravie
Офигенный посох!)))) Просто бомба для Лока нежити ))))Comment by Shoten5
Once I saw the alliance sword and shield I fell in love. Then I encountered the Horde axe and felt betrayed... but this staff makes the betrayal bitter sweet! Amazingly detailed staff at the cost of a green quality looking axe. Worth it.Comment by Artuleska
Just got this in the mail along with the other movie related transmog items. Remember to check your other faction for each one has different items.Comment by Krakatua
You can not use all 4 movie replicas if you are a Pandaren! The restriction is race related, but it is also faction as well.Comment by TwilightNova
The question is (though I did just get the staff, and tried this):If I send the staff to an Alliance warlock, will it be counted for the wardrobe or is it a perma-lock out situation?
I just think that this would look pretty sick on a Destro Worgen lock.
Comment by The0o
Mailing this to an alliance toon will switch it one of the alliance only weapons and vice versa.Comment by Burnay
This staff goes excellent with (if you are Horde that is... sad day for Alliance players.)!There were some other good choices in the past but his staff does rise above them all imho.
Comment by Elektrophorus
It hasn't been mentioned yet, but this staff model does NOT seem to take enchant illusions.The other weapons (Replica Lion's Fang and Replica Blood Guard's Cleaver) are able to take enchant illusion.
This weapon now shows enchants! The enchant covers the entirety of the weapon. It's sick.
Comment by jamase
This staff is now the go to choice for weapon transmog for this amazing set:Comment by pjammers
The Staff of Gul'dan does not show enchantments. :(Comment by SoCalWoWGal
From the Official Battle.net forums, some clarification on the movie related transmog weapons:QUESTION:
Unaware that accounts without an active subscription can't access the mail I made a new horde char to get the items. I can't get them out of the mail, if they're even in there at all. And I can't log on to a different Horde char on an active sub as it's once per account. What do I do now? I can reactivate my sub but will they show up in the newly made char's mail? My main account with an active sub didn't have an open character slot and I didn't think about not having access to the mail.
The items would have gone to the first character of a given faction that logged in. You could activate that account to recover them but if you aren't in a hurry they will just add to the Transmog collection once that feature goes in with that content patch.
as long as you received the achievement the items for both factions will be added to your collection once the system is implemented.
Getting the achievement just requires logging in, so while you won't be able to retrieve the items from the mail, that should otherwise qualify the account so when the transmog system is implemented they are automatically added to your collection.
Comment by Farstucker
JUST GOT MINE NOW w000tvery happy w/ this item. This is so nice
Obtained via Fight for the Horde achievement
Thanks Blizz
Comment by LagatoSummers
Is the sheild, sword, axe, and staff the only promotion items we get or is there going to be more coming?. . . Just out of curiosity.Comment by navysilan
Well ok. i got this staff. checked my transmog, then i just said /vo-60-ubrs-kyrak-spell-03Comment by imargherit
Can also confirm Replica Staff of Gul'dan can be used to Transmog on 2h Weapons, like 2h axes, swords, maces etc.Comment by Kayarie
If you're looking for a Transmog set that isn't very common and has a perfect color-scheme match go with this set Malevolent Gladiator's Felweave ! ^^Comment by KryzM
Not only this fits perfectly any Gul'dan-inspired set, but I works wonders for Warhammer-inspired sets:Are you a cloth-wearing Goblin? Grab a dark hood, a black robe and you will be ready to dwell the darkests tunnels.
Are you an Orc Monk (or even an Survival Hunter, if Legion will let us do that)? Then go for the most tribal armor you can get and you will be following the Old Ways.
Comment by Thrombin2
I don't get it. It was an item level one staff, 2.39 dps with no stat bonuses. It didn't seem to be anywhere near as good as my existing staff so I disenchanted it. There's a lot of talk in these comments that I don't understand but I'm beginning to think that was a mistake?What am I missing?