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Case Knives Dating

By learning the simple Case dating system, you can easily determine the year a Case knife was manufactured.

In 1970, Case added dots beneath the "USA" on the tangs of all knives. As each new year passed, one dot was removed. So, nine dots appeared in 1971, eight in 1972, and so on.

In the 1980s, the same dating system was used - with two subtle differences. First, a "Lightening S" appeared in both "CASE" and "USA." Secondly, the dots were placed above the "USA"

From 1990 to mid-1993, the dot system was replaced with a stamping of the actual date. By popular demand, however, the dot dating system was used on all Case knives from mid-1993 through 1999.

And now, to celebrate the turn of the century, Case introduced a new tang stamp and dating system using a combination of X's and dots to date the production of each Case knife. From 2001 through 2005, Case will remove one dot for each year. From 2006 through 2009, Case will remove one "X" each year.

The number stamped on the tang of the main blade of every Case knife identifies the pattern. The first number is the handle material, the second number is the number of blades, and the third number is the factory pattern number.

Identifying the materials, blades, and patterns. Lets use a model # 6347 as an example.

6 is the handle material
3 is the number of blades
47 is the factory pattern

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