Case XX knife identifier
[List of handle materials] [List of factory pattern numbers] [List of blade abbreviations]
The number on a Case knife represents various features associated with the knife. On a typical item, the number will consist of four digits. The first number represents the type of handle material used to make the knife, the next digit indicates the number of blades it has, and the last two digits signify the factory pattern number of the knife (assigned to the handle die). Following the pattern number, there are often additional letters that have further significance. These letters are called blade abbreviations that represent other traits associated with the knife. In addition to the blade abbreviations, there are often other additional numbers and letters as follows:
Extra zeros
In the past, Case has added one or two zeros to an original pattern number to signify a variation of an existing pattern. These zeros can be found before the first digit, or between the blade identification number, and the original factory pattern number.
Two Digit Handle Number Designation
Some handle materials have been assigned more than one digit. An example of this would be appaloosa. This material is represented as A6.
Three Digit Factory Pattern Numbers
Relatively recent Case knives often have three digit factory pattern (handle die) numbers instead of the usual two. An examples of this includes the CopperLock. It was introduced in 1997 with a factory pattern number of 549.
More about Blade Abbreviations
Following the pattern number, there are often various letter abbreviations that represent other unique characteristics not covered by the patterns number. For example: if SH follows the patterns number, the knife will contain a sheepsfoot blade. If there is a DR, the knife should have a drill hole in the rear bolster. A 1/2 is very common. It signifies that the knife has a clip master blade. More about Case’s blade abbreviations. Note that the blade abbreviations may be located behind, below, or on a different blade as the pattern number.