Engraved Case Knives
Something new for me, four bolsters on a Case knife. I begin by scanning the knife and developing an outline of the bolsters. Then a pencil sketch of my design (above). I create the design in a much larger size … Continue reading →
Here I’m starting a commission on a lovely little Millit Pony knife with copper scales. A sculpted salmon theme in NW Native American-style. Above, you can see the block I’ll use for holding the copper scales, covered in dark grey … Continue reading →
Starting on a new knife – this time a CRKT Burnley Squid. I’m trying to make this an affordable engraving, so it can be an EDC for us mortals, and not end up being a “Safe Queen.” Here I’ve shimmed … Continue reading →
Creating Side A of the William Henry Rainforest Knife Here’s the drawing of my design. The folks at William Henry Studios wanted something with a rainforest theme. Unfortunately for them, my background as a microbiologist keeps creeping out, so a lot … Continue reading →
Those who’ve been around the knife world for very long will recognize the many art knife books by Dr David Darom. I have a number of them myself, and have found lots of inspiration in them. Imagine my pleasant surprise … Continue reading →
William Henry B12 Koi and Waves Knife Work-in-ProgressTutorial The images above are of the finished knife, and courtesy of the good folks at A new project – a Japanese-style Koi and Waves for the good folks at William Henry Knives. … Continue reading →
I’ve been working to learn “scrolls” lately – here’s a practice for a William Henry knife. In the second image, I’m beginning to excavate for the spots where gold will be inlaid. Since this will be a hybrid between my … Continue reading →
Working on a special sergeknives.com Gen 3 Dog Tag with a small surprise. 2 inches long, bronze. Hopefully it will be done in time for Blade, so visit Serge’s table and see it in person! The three steps of removing … Continue reading →
Above, Serge finished making the other parts and assembled the completed knife. Photos courtesy of sergeknives.com. Starting another sergeknives.com collaboration on a sweet bronze Bean knife scale, this time with a Japanese-style Koi and Waves theme. There will be a few dots … Continue reading