Colt Firearms phone number
Colt's Manufacturing Company, Inc. in Hartford, Connecticut has most of the historical production and shipping information for Colt firearms. The Colt Historical Services Price List is available online in a PDF format. If you would like to receive a factory letter on a specific pistol, you can contact Colt's directly for more information at the address/phone number listed below:
Beverly Haynes
Colt Historian
P.O. Box 1868
Hartford, CT
Here's an example of the type of information you will see in a Colt Historical Letter:
The Connecticut State Library is also a good source for historical information pertaining to Colt firearms and history. Their phone number is (860) 566-3692.
- See address above.
- Genealogy/ Personal History: Military Personnel
U.S. General Officer Pistols - a quick link to an index of pages on Coltautos.com dedicated to picturing and describing pistols issued to US General Officers along with history about the officers to whom they were issued.
Office of Strategic Service Society - with links to declassified list of personnel.
The U.S. Army Military History Institute ( USAMHI) is an institute of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. Their mission is to preserve the Army’s history and ensure access to historical research materials. They serve as the primary facility where researchers study Army history. USAMHI holdings include books, manuscripts, photos, and maps. Both official and unofficial (or public) patrons are welcome . They give highest priority to Army users. There is no fee to enter the Institute. A fee-for-service is charged for providing copies of holdings to unofficial patrons.
- A privately maintained site that contains many of the names of those buried there along with their military histories. This is an excellent source of information when researching a Colt firearm that has been identified with a particular soldier.
- This is an official U.S. Navy web site. Their mission is to enhance the Navy's effectiveness by preserving, analyzing and interpreting its hard-earned experience and history for the Navy and the American people.
- A Genealogy Guide. This website is a directory of links to online military indexes and records for USA genealogy research. Included are rosters, databases of soldiers, and listings of military and war casualties. Also included are some links to sources for military records in other countries (for World War I & II).
- Search for burial locations of veterans and their dependents in VA National Cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries and various other Department of Interior and military cemeteries.