Antique Arms Dealers UK
The Home Office guide on firearms licensing law was last revised in April 2016. It is intended to assist consistency of practice between police forces by providing them with comprehensive guidance, and also to encourage an understanding among firearms users and the general public of the considerations involved.
The guidance is only available as an online document. This will help us update the guidance promptly if there are any changes to legislation or processes which help maintain the accuracy of the guidance provided.
Approval of rifle and muzzle-loading pistol clubs explains what approval means and how clubs can apply for it. It also explains the criteria and conditions which they must meet in order to obtain approval and remain approved.
Other publications include:
Maritime security
The following guidance on maritime security is available:
Medical information
From 1 April 2016, information sharing processes between GPs and police have been introduced to ensure that people licensed to possess firearm and shotgun certificates are medically fit. The Home Office guide on firearms licensing law contains a section on medical information, and the British Medical Association has issued guidance for GPs about firearms licencing.