Historical Swords
Military Collectibles Inc
Here at Lakesidetrader, we are dedicated to German Military Collectible Enthusiasts, just like you! Are you looking to sell your German military antiques? Well, look no further! Youve come to the right spot! We have over 20 years of experience helping our Veterans and their families obtain a fair value for all of their German military souvenirs. We make it easy to . We buy…
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Pocket Knives on eBay
Although they have certainly become more modern and versatile in recent decades, pocket knives have actually been around for thousands of years. In fact, there are pocket knives that date all the way back to the Iron Age, and there is evidence of Roman soldiers carrying their own versions of pocket knives, which often had elaborately carved handles made from ivory. These early…
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Game of Thrones LARP UK
Image caption Players pose in character for Live-Action Role-play event The Gathering It s dismissed out of hand by some as the preserve of geeks with latex swords, but those who love live-action role-play describe it as a form of interactive storytelling, writes Peter Ray Allison. Li swings his sword to the left with a roar, striking a deadly blow to the charging pirate…
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Cool Daggers
One of the coolest things about Final Fantasy XV is that unlike most FF games it has a particularly impressive and meaty chunk of post-game content. We give that the thumbs up, obviously: When an RPG doesn t just end at the story, it s always a welcome thing. That post-game content is hard. A lot of it is going to require some solid weapons that you can really use to give the…
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USA gun manufacturers
By Philip Smith – President National African American Gun Association. USA – -(Ammoland.com)- I ran across a Company called “” they are an African American owned “Gun Manufacturer ” in the United States. Yes right here in the USA and they are thriving. The company was founded by Yonas Hagos who is a USA Army Veteran and Purple Heart recipient. The company is delivering a World…
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Looks Sharp
What Students and Recent Grads Say About Us Within a week, I had heard back from one of the four jobs I applied to on Looksharp. A week later, I accepted the position at a non-profit in California. Thanks Looksharp for helping me explore a new part of the country at an organization I love. Marketing & Advertising and Entrepreneurship University of Dayton - 2014 Looksharp…
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Winchester Repeater rifle
The ultimate lever gun. This rifle became the Model 94 Winchester. It was the ultimate iteration of Winchester levers and, although coming at the end of westward expansion, is often called The Gun that Won the West. The proven performer for over a century. No greater names have ever been linked together more solidly than Winchester® and the Model 1894. Early on in 1862, Oliver…
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Pretty. Pocket Knives
In the old days every boy (and every man) carried a pocket knife. They came in many sizes, shapes and degrees of beauty. The farmer who used his knife for cutting harness, skinning skunks, peeling apples, cutting watermelons, heading maize, cutting fodder for the livestock, just plain whittling or for any of hundreds of chores that required a durable knife, usually had a rugged…
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Awesome Daggers
Devil Daggers is an awesome horde-mode style game that not many people have heard of. Utilizing an aesthetic similar to Quake , the game basically tasks you with staying alive for 10 minutes to achieve a high score. Most people don t last more than a few minutes and fewer, still, have actually managed to break the 10-minute mark. It is featured in the new Humble Jumbo Bundle…
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Antique Arms Dealers UK
The Home Office guide on firearms licensing law was last revised in April 2016. It is intended to assist consistency of practice between police forces by providing them with comprehensive guidance, and also to encourage an understanding among firearms users and the general public of the considerations involved. The guidance is only available as an online document. This will…
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Best Knife manufacturers
If there s one kitchen equipment question I get more than any other, it s this one: What is the best chef s knife? The honest answer? There is no such thing as a best chef s knife. It d be like asking a violinist to name the best violin or an architect to identify the best material. There are many factors that come into play, and depending on what type of cook you are…
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Medieval Katana
By John Clements They are two of the world s most recognizable and iconic weapons in history: the European double-handed knightly sword and the feudal Japanese double-handed samurai sword. Each of these famous sword types owes its design to the marriage of pragmatic function with technological form. Each evolved to answer specific challenges in their own particular martial…
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Cool cheap Pocket Knives
It’s often said that a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp one. While we’d argue all knives are dangerous in their own right, there is some truth to the old line. Because a dull, jagged blade doesn’t glide as easily, it has a tendency to snag and get caught in the material you’re cutting. When this happens, many press on, push harder, which can lead to slips, nicks, and…
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Famous Pistols
Handheld firearms have always carried some obvious advantages. In the early days, it would be much easier to handle a horse if you only needed one hand to accurately use your weapon. Other markets for them include women who want to remain fashionable while having a defense mechanism, or assassins who want to mask their intent. The biggest driver of innovation, however, is the…
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All kinds of Knives
There are many types of knives around and it is easy to get lost in the details. This post will give you a good understanding of how knives are organized, how they are used, and which knife should you reach for to do a certain task. Trust me, after you’ve read this post, you will know all about how knives are organized so that you can feel like a knife expert. Never reach for…
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